IF YOU’RE IN A HURRY and want to catch some of the highlights catch the first 5 minutes.
For the EXTENDED VERSION it’s after the 5 minute mark.
I hope you’ve enjoyed doing your walkabouts. It’s important to keep on top of things as the seasons change.
This summer edition of the walkabout we look at the insect damage, disease load, the state of the crops and how they are looking and also any surprises we come across.
Have trees already? NEW PRUNING COURSE. Start for free at http://pruningcourse.com
Intrigued and want to VISIT the Permaculture Orchard? Start your VIRTUAL TOUR of the Permaculture Orchard for FREE at : https://miracle.farm/en/vt1/
Want to LEARN how to setup your own Permaculture Orchard or Planting? Watch the FILM ‘The Permaculture Orchard: Beyond Organic’ http://www.permacultureorchard.com
Want FOOD see The Farm: https://miracle.farm
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lesfermes.farms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stefansobkowiak/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefan-sobkowiak-91694442/